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Households = 68 (plus 4 unoccupied).

People: Total 307  (Males=145, Females=162)

Ages: 15 & Under = 122, Over 60 = 22 (3 people's ages unknown) 


144 are listed as having a profession or trade. Numbers working in the coal mining industry have increased significantly from 11 in the 1851 Census to 48.


Included in the Griffydam Census is a Tollgate Keeper although the Toll Gate was actually located in Peggs Green opposite the top of School Hill.  Cart Brook does not appear to have been recorded in this Census. There is only one publican(victualer) recorded at the Griffin Inn but we know that there would have been another at the Waggon & Horses.


There were 2 paupers listed (1 retired)




1861 Census Figures.jpg
1861 Census Graph Age.jpg
1861 Census Professions.jpg

Where a person is listed as having more than 1 trade each trade has been counted in the numbers above

1861 Census Records

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Part Of Griffydam Community & Historical Group

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