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Newspaper Articles


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Leicester Chronicle – February 22nd 1845


On the 11th inst., at Pegg’s Green, Thringstone, aged 96, Catherine Gostelow. The deceased possessed a hardy and robust constitution, and was employed in a laborious out-door work after she had attained her 80th birthday.

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Leicester Mercury – June 7th 1851

A Boy Drowned At Pegg's Green

On Thursday week, about 7 o’clock in the morning, Thomas Locker, a lad about sixteen, went with another youth to bathe in the reservoir at the Pegg’s Green Colliery. He could swim a little, and tried to swim across, but when about the middle went down. A boy named Barkby, who was on the bank, seeing him sink, called out for help, and Henry Smallwood, who was at work close by, immediately went in with his clothes on, and soon brought out deceased, and took him to the Engine Inn, where the usual efforts to restore animation were made, but without success. Mr. Price, part proprietor and manager of the colliery, hearing of the accident, sent off directly for Mr. Orton, surgeon, but his exertions were also fruitless. The reservoir was about six foot deep, and though strict orders were given that no one should bathe in it, the boys would occasionally transgress in the absence of Mr. Price. On Friday, Mr. Gregory held an inquest at Thringstone on the body of the deceased, when a verdict was returned of accidental death

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Leicester Mercury – July 23rd 1859

Fatal Accident

On Monday, an inquest was held at Thringstone, upon Mary Ann Marshall deceased. It appeared that she was the daughter of John Marshall, collier, Griffydam, and 2 ½ years old. She had been staying a short time with her grandmother, Mrs. Horn, at Thringstone. In the neighbourhood was a well, the pump of which being out of order, a cover had been substituted for some time, and on Saturday, this cover having been thoughtlessly left open, deceased fell in. Her grandmother, being told of what had happened by a little boy, made an alarm, and one of the neighbours, William Butler, a shoemaker, got down by the pump, so that he could reach deceased with his foot, and tried to hold her up by it. She struggled off, however, and sunk in the water, and he had to procure a drag to get her out, when she was quite dead. The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death”, and recommended that the pump should be put into immediate repair, and the well completely closed, which Mr. Price, the owner, promised should be done.

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Leicester Journal – August 23rd 1867

Suicide at Griffydam.

A labourer named King, aged 58, who had been oppressed with nervous debility during the last ten years, and more so than usual this summer, hung himself from one of the banisters of the house in which he lived at Griffydam, on Wednesday week, and effectually committed suicide. When he was discovered by the woman with whom he lived, he was quite dead. He left his work at the colliery about four months ago, and since then has not had more than a few days employment, and has been supported by the earnings of a woman named Marshall, who had lived with him for upwards of twenty years. On Friday, an inquest was held before J. Gregory, Esq., and evidence adduced to prove that since the deceased left the colliery, he had been lying a great deal in bed, and had been in a low way. – A verdict of “Insanity” was returned.

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Leicester Journal – July 5th 1878

Suicide at Griffydam

An inquest was held at the Red Lion Inn, Griffydam, before Mr. Deane, coroner, on the 28th ult., on the body of Joseph Freeman, 53 years of age, who was found dead in a field by Sarah Haywood with his throat cut. Mr. Donovan, Surgeon, stated that he had attended the deceased for general debility, and he was in a desponding state, suffering from congestion of the lungs. Upon examining the body, he found a wound extending the length of the lower jaw, but not deep, except across the larynx, which was about two thirds severed. From the appearance of the cut, he had no doubt it was self inflicted. Deceased kept the “Rising Sun”, Griffydam. – Sarah Haywood said, on going to the spring to fetch a bucket of water, she saw a hat and some blood on the ground in a field adjoining the road, and on looking about saw the body in the brook. Charles Smedley being at Griffydam that day, and hearing that a man was in the brook went thither, and found the body of deceased lying sideways in the water. He and another lifted him out, and found that his throat was cut, and a razor lying about a yard and a half off the bank side. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased cut his throat with a razor, not being at the time in a sound state of mind.

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Leicester Chronicle – May 2nd 1885

Sudden Death

At the Rising Sun on Tuesday at Worthington, Mr. Deane held an enquiry into the death of Hannah Holland, aged nine months, daughter of Lucy and Jack Holland, of Griffydam. The child according to the evidence, had been ailing for several months. On Saturday night the mother noticed that she had difficulty in breathing. She applied an oatmeal and mustard plaster between the shoulders and on the chest. That seemed to relieve her. On Sunday morning a doctor was sent for, but as she was washing the child between ten and eleven o’clock she dropped her head and died. Mr . J. J. Serrers, surgeon, of Osgathorpe, having made a post-mortem examination, said death resulted from tubercular meningitis, the lungs and the brain being covered with tubercles. Verdict accordingly.

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Leicester Chronicle – April 2nd 1892

Reports of the Medical Officers.

Dr. Jamie (No.1. District) reported an outbreak of throat disease at Griffydam of a diptheritic character, principally affecting children. The cases had not been officially notified to him as diphtheris, nor did the symptoms in most of the cases, correspond with the disease, but there was sufficient evidence to prove its infectious and dangerous nature, several deaths being attributable directly or indirectly to this cause. His enquiries led him to suspect a tainted milk supply, but the evidence of the origin of the outbreak was not conclusive

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Leicester Chronicle – May 27th 1893

Sad Fatality at Swannington

An enquiry was held by Mr. Deane, coroner, at the New Inn, Swannington (Pegg’s Green?), on Thursday afternoon, into the circumstances attending the death of Edgar Lorndon Armson (24), plumber, Thringstone, which occurred on Wednesday whilst he was engaged repairing a well. – Mr. White Armson, grazier, St. George’s Hill, Thringstone, said the deceased, who was his son and a plumber, lived with him. On the 17th inst., he went with his son to repair a pump, at the house of Mr. Johnson, Swanningtom Moor. About 11.30 a.m. deceased put a ladder down the well to the first stage and went down a distance of twelve feet. He saw his son try the stage. All at once he began to come up as quickly as he could. He had nearly reached the end of the ladder when he seemed as if all of his strength had gone. He loosed his hold of the ladder and fell backwards down the well. They did not try the air in the well before going down. Deceased said nothing to him. He (witness) had no experience of that kind of work, and only went to help him with the ladder. Joseph Morley, collier, living at Pegg’s Green, said that from what he heard he went to Mr. Johnson’s house. He tried the air in the well by letting a candle down, and found there was “damp” (known as choke damp in the coal mines which was fatal) in the well up to within a yard of the top. He then went for the police, and with the assistance of James Leeson, a collier, of Griffydam, and a dad, the body of deceased was got out. He appeared to be quite dead. Mr. Jno. James Serras, surgeon, Osgathorpe, who examined the body at the deceased’s father’s house, said there were no bones broken. There was only abrasions, doubtless caused by the fall. Death was due to asphyxia. A verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned by the jury.

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Leicester Chronicle – November 20th 1897

The Fatality at Griffydam

An inquest was held at the Waggon and Horses Inn, Griffydam, on Saturday evening, before Mr. Coroner Deane, touching the death of Benjamin Barton, a farmer of Gelscoe, near Breedon, which occurred on Friday as the result of injuries received on the previous Tuesday, by being run over by a cart laden with coal. P.C. Adcock identified the body, and said deceased was 55 years of age. Thomas Booth, landlord of the Travellers’ Rest, Griffydam, said the deceased called at his house at 3.45 on Tuesday, Nov. 9, in charge of a horse and cart laden with coal. He was with a collier named Hodges, and they left about five o’clock. When he drove away, deceased was standing on the shafts, leaning on the front of the cart, and he remarked that he should ride because his feet hurt him. About a quarter of an hour later, witness was told that he had been run over. Jonas Knight, a bricklayer, of Griffydam, stated that about 5.15 he was going to his field, and when near the Waggon and Horses, heard someone call out. He then saw a man who told him there had been an accident, and on getting into the road saw the deceased lying on his face. Witness raised him, and in reply to his questions, deceased said he did not know how he fell off. He said his horse was a fresh one, and had gone up the road. Assistance was obtained and deceased moved to Mr. Richards. Dr. Villiers of Osgathorpe, who was called in, deposed that the deceased’s right collar-bone, right shoulder-blade, and several of the ribs on the right side were broken.. The right lung had been injured by the broken ribs. Witness had attended the deceased till his death on Friday. He was conscious to the end, and told witness he was standing on the front of his cart, the horse was restive, and to steady himself he placed his hand upon the coal, which gave way, and he fell under the wheel. When witness first saw him he was perfectly sober. Death was due to exhaustion through injuries. – A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.

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Leicester Chronicle – August 27th 1898

Death from Convulsions

An inquest was held at the New Inn, Pegg’s Green, before Mr. Coroner Deane, on Friday, touching the death of Hilda Nellie Shakespeare, aged six months. The child had been in the care of the Grandmother, and on Tuesday, it was seized with convulsions. The grandmother carried it two miles to Dr. Crosby, of Osgathorpe, but the baby died on the way. On the medical evidence the jury found that the death was due to infantile convulsions.

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Leicester Chronicle – December 17th 1898

Griffydam Mysterious Death

An inquest was held on Wednesday evening, at the Griffin Inn, Griffydam, before Mr. Coroner Deane, touching the death of Louisa Jane Holland, the wife of a collier. Jack Wm. Holland, the deceased’s husband, said she was 54 years of age, and was in good health till Saturday when she had an attack of an old complaint. Next day she kept in bed, and complained of pain in her ankles and feet. She was also sick. On Monday morning she was worse, and the doctor was again sent for, but she died the same morning. – Dr. Crosby, of Osgathorpe, who was called in on the Sunday, said he suspected some internal irritation, as the symptoms were such as would exist as in a case of irritant poisoning. He was of the opinion that death was due to inflammation of the stomach and bowels, probably from poisoning from ptomaines. These were sometimes developed in the human body without any discoverable cause, and might also be developed from eating unwholesome or tinned foods. Dr. Burkitt, who was called in consultation with the last witness, agreed as to the cause of death, but said that the food taken need not necessarily have been apparently putrid. The jury was agreed that death was caused by inflammation, probably due to ptomaine poisoning.

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